We have joined forces with Revolution Research, led by Thomas Dykes, to bring cutting-edge clinical research trials to Lake Travis Eye and Laser Center. This exciting collaboration is generating new medical knowledge, and will hopefully lead to advances and improvements in the current treatment of eye diseases.
We target several different areas including (not all inclusive):
Dry Eyes
Cataract Post-Operative Drops
Presbyopia Treatments
Glaucoma/Ocular Hypertension
Lid Disorders (e.g. ptosis, chalazions/styes)
Infectious Disease such as Pink Eye
Myopia (nearsightedness)
Contact us if you are interested in being a participant. Study exams and treatments are free of cost and typically provide compensation to our patients. Our study exams are performed by Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Christina Wenn who are top-notch, board-certified Ophthalmologists with excellent patient care!
You may reach a study coordinator for Revolution Research at (512) 721-8352, or visit our website for more information.
Contact Research: Samantha Boldt (512) 721-8352
Email: sboldt@revolutionresearch.net
Website: revolutionresearch.net